Ultra-high-precision trace gas detector

  The company’s self-developed ultra-high-precision trace gas detector based on the principle of light absorption, with the highest accuracy of one trillionth, filling the gap of this precision level in the world.
  The instrument can detect formaldehyde, glyoxal, NO, NO2, NO3, N2O5, O3, peroxynitrate, alkyl nitrate, nitrite, water vapor, particulate matter extinction, iodine oxide, iodine vapor, bromine vapor, aerosol extinction, etc. It can be widely used in atmospheric environment detection and analysis, ocean atmosphere detection and analysis, pharmaceutical analysis experiment, analysis experiment in the field of petrochemical industry; It can also be used for the calibration of the above gas detection equipment, and it is the first time to realize the calibration of atmospheric monitoring instruments without the participation of standard gases.




Technical parameters of ultra-high-precision trace gas detector

Monitoring indicators Precision
NO2(二氧化氮) 20 ppt (万亿分之二十)
NO(一氧化氮)及O3(臭氧) 50 ppt
Peroxyl Nitrate(过氧硝酸酯) 200 ppt
Alkyl Nitrate(硝酸烷基酯) 200 ppt
NO3(三氧化氮)/N2O5(五氧化二氮) 1 ppt
NOy(总活性氮) 100 ppt
HONO(亚硝酸) 120 ppt
Formaldehyde(甲醛) 2 ppb (十亿分之二)
Glyoxal(乙二醛) 100 ppt
IO(一氧化碘) 2 ppt
I2(碘蒸汽) 10 ppt
Br2(溴蒸汽) 500 ppt
Aerosol extinction(气溶胶消光) 1×10-9 cm-1