In order to better evaluate the direct impact of vertical changes of pollutants in the near surface atmosphere on surface air quality, the Institute of Atmospheric Physics of Chinese Academy of Sciences, cooperated with us to take Beijing 325 m meteorological tower as the observation platform, respectively at 8、32、102、160、260、320meters of the meteorological tower, The atmospheric environmental indicators such as CO、NO2、O3、SO2、NO、CO2, volatile organic compounds, temperature, humidity, air pressure, wind speed, wind direction, PM2.5, PM10 and other atmospheric environmental indicators were monitored continuously.
        The vertical section observation of the tower consists of six layers: 8、32、102、160、260、320 meters and simultaneous measurement of important atmospheric physical and chemical parameters



Measurement of vertical distribution of pollutants with long time series and multi altitude platforms


Partial concentration of polluted gases and meteorological parameters at 320m altitude


Pollutant concentration profile at any time point